The International Maritime University of Panama, through the School of Nautical Sciences prepares students with high standards of professionalism in response to the expectations of the international maritime industry.
Our programs offer an academic, technical, and practical preparation that complies with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Guarding of Seafarers (STCW 78 Amended). We strive to prepare future merchant marine officers capable of assuming operational, administrative and leadership responsibilities on board ships. The Leadership System teaches values in our cadets and encourages them to work through competencies to be fully prepared.
After the student successfully completes the theoretical and practical training of undergraduate programs in Nautical Engineering, he obtains a Bachelor's degree in Nautical Engineering with an emphasis in Navigation and Maritime Transport (Deck) or a degree in Nautical Engineering with an emphasis in Naval Machinery (Machine).
To opt for a license of Merchant Marine Officer (II Official) of the Maritime Authority of Panama, a boarding or "sea time" period must be completed. The cadet must complete twelve (12) months of boarding in ships in international waters. During this time, you must complete a project (Sea Project) on your free time and complete the ISF Training Record book to comply with the requirements of STCW Code 78 Amended. The students develop the Sea Project, and select the subject based on their interests and their professional goals. Finally, they must present the Project to the authorities of the UMIP for evaluation.
During the period of academic training, the cadets also carry out simulation hours and professional practices in national companies and on-board vessels in national waters; This period (duly documented and approved by the UMIP) is also recognized as boarding time for a period that doesn’t exceeds four (4) months for Deck and six (6) months for Machines.
Maritime training is highly regulated in the international arena, either by regulations included in agreements ratified by Panama and that arise from the International Maritime Organization, or by requirements of the world maritime community, especially shipping.
The boarding office of the International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP) is responsible for managing the necessary documentation to concretize shipments for cadets.
Before embarking a cadet of the UMIP, this office verifies information of the companies that offer us these places, with the intention of verifying their business history, the records of arrests of their ships, among others.
One of the new policies of the International Maritime University of Panama, it’s to intensify the search for new shipments and measures to ensure the boarding of the cadets and officers graduated from the UMIP.
This search has materialized through various efforts and contacts, and many boarding places have been achieved through the signing of cooperation agreements with several companies, including; Euronav Ship Management (Hellas) Ltd., Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, among others.
Through this link in our website we intend to inform all interested parties; of new actions taken in the search for new boarding opportunities, professional practices and updates regarding managed shipments, notification of new selected cadets and other related news.